Home Press Releases Statement on Virginia Tech Lockdown

Statement on Virginia Tech Lockdown


Police at Virginia Tech are searching for a reported armed gunman at the site of the worst college shooting in history. The latest word is that no shots or injuries have been reported, but armed police officers have placed the campus on lock-down and continue to search.

Clearly, not even Virginia Tech officials have much confidence in their alleged “gun-free zone.”

Virginia Tech, like most colleges, demands the right to ban guns on campus, but they continue to show an appalling lack of interest in enforcing those bans or creating any practical mechanism to protect students.

“Colleges have entered into an informal alliance with criminals,” said David Burnett, spokesman with Students for Concealed Carry. “By banishing lawfully-armed citizens, the college is denying the right to self-defense and creating a defense-free environment which leaves colleges extremely vulnerable – and attractive – to criminals.”

Last month, in denying the college a blanket right to disarm law-abiding citizens, Virginia Tech’s Attorney-General Ken Cuccinelli stated that gun-ban polices “are ineffectual because persons who wish to perpetrate violence will ignore them, and that the net effect of such policies is to leave defenseless the law-abiding citizens who follow these policies.”

With over 600 acres of ground to cover, declaring the area “safe” may take a while, but with today’s quick notification, it appears Virginia Tech has at least taken to heart the lesson it learned in blood back in 2007 where they failed to notify students of the danger for nearly two hours.

“We hope Virginia Tech will continue to learn from their mistakes and stop disarming the very people who could make a difference in a life-or-death situation,” said Burnett.

David Burnett
Director of Public Relations, Students for Concealed Carry

Students for Concealed Carry is a national, non-partisan, grassroots organization comprising over 40,000 college students, professors, employees, parents and concerned citizens who believe that licensed concealed carry permit holders should be allowed the same measure of personal protection on college campuses that they enjoy off-campus.

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David Burnett
David Burnett is an ICU nurse, health law attorney, and serves as the Director of Public Relations at Students for Concealed Carry.

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