Home Press Releases Students for Concealed Carry Announces New Web Design

Students for Concealed Carry Announces New Web Design


February 20, 2012 — Students for Concealed Carry (SCC) is pleased to announce the first overhaul of its online presence in nearly three years.  The revamped site offers a refreshed look to complement the organization’s new logo and recent name change.

In addition to the design changes, a revamped framework will allow SCC to put more control into the hands of our campus leaders and state directors.  Over the next few months, SCC will begin to roll out new state sites for our most active regions.  These new sites will be maintained by our state leaders, the dedicated volunteers who have the most up to date information about what is happening on their campuses.

We’ve already launched this initiative with our Texas chapter, and Texans can now find up to date information about events in their state at texas.concealedcampus.org.  For states without dedicated sites, our members can still find everything they need to know about their state’s leadership and available opportunities at concealedcampus.org/states.



  1. Good Work, Oregon!

    Can’t believe their were 14 opposing votes though – Apparently there are 14 people in the Senate who think criminals and disturbed individuals won’t commit a crime with a gun if we post signs that say “No Concealed Weapons Allowed. Campus just got a little safer!!


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