Home Press Releases Press Release: Student Group Calls for Legal Guns on Campus

Press Release: Student Group Calls for Legal Guns on Campus



Students for Concealed Carry called for allowing concealed carry licensees to be armed on college campuses today, arguing that college gun bans put students at risk.

“For years, colleges have cultivated a deadly illusion that a gun-free policy makes us safer,” said David Burnett, the group’s spokesman. “The mass shootings we’ve seen in recent years only prove killers don’t play by the rules. Today we’re calling on legislators in every state to change those rules and stop colleges from trampling on the rights of good people wanting to defend themselves.”

“The current rules guarantee criminals a free shot,” said Burnett. “Allowing licensed concealed carry would give potential attackers pause and ultimately give innocent victims a fighting chance,”

The group was founded after the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, and has already helped reform firearm regulations in six states, most recently by bringing suit in Colorado where a state Supreme Court victory brought the number of colleges allowing concealed carry to over 200. Six more states are considering similar changes.

“For years, colleges have been allowed to usurp the roles of elected officials by banning concealed carry,” said Alan Baker, the group’s legal liaison. “Permit-holders are cleared to carry in public by their governor, their legislature, their state police and the FBI. Posting signs requiring them to leave their guns at home is an ineffective and discriminatory practice, making the campus more appealing to criminals.

Many groups have criticized the idea, saying more guns would lead to more crime. Burnett contends that hasn’t happened.

On campuses where lawful carry is allowed, crime hasn’t increased. In most cases it goes down. We’re not talking about arming juveniles. These are faculty members, military veterans, responsible adults. They already have permits and already carry everywhere else, so why should colleges be any different?”

The group is organizing an Empty Holster Protest in April, but takes no stance on regulations related to other types of firearms or on policies affecting K-12 schools.

Zachary Zalneraitis
Director of Public Relations
Students for Concealed Carry

Students for Concealed Carry is a national, non-partisan, grassroots organization comprised of over 40,000 supporters which advocates for legal concealed carry on college campuses.


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